Why Should You Learn Dutch?

We want you to speak Dutch, you want to know why? Here is why, learning Dutch is easy! Because English and Dutch are related languages. Also, Speaking Dutch will make you popular around the Dutchies they will love you, seriously they will. When you speak Dutch you can get into “gezelligheid” (explanation down below).

In addition, You’ll have 23 million native Dutch speakers to talk to. Located all around the world. They speak Dutch in Belgium, Surinam (South America) and The Carribean.

Here is why.

1. Dutch is easy to learn

I love Holland!

Do you already know English? Good, the leap from English to Dutch is small as both languages belong to the West Germanic family. When 2 languages belong to the same family it easier for you to pick up, because:

  • They share a similar sentence structure.
  • Dutch uses many loanwords from English.
  • They share a similar sound system.
  • Dutch tend to have the same verb conjugations.

Smooth sailing thanks to those similarities! To make it even easier DutchPod101 provides a clear pathway for you to learn Dutch. From beginners to advanced levels.

2. Find your dream job


Looking for a job in cheese welding, wooden shoemaking or operating a Windmill? Just kidding ;).

There are loads of opportunities in this small country. The Netherlands is the 7th biggest economy of the European Union. With Schiphol being one of the busiest airports in the world While Rotterdam having the biggest port of Europe. In other words, enough job opportunities for you!

Speaking Dutch as a second language is a huge advantage. It gives you an edge over other applicants. Even for the English speaking roles, stand out by having some Dutch small talk with your future boss. Or use Dutchpod101 to avoid those awkward silences while meeting your Dutch coworkers at the coffee machines.

3. Dutchies will love you

Girls Talking

Do you know how awesome it is to have a foreign friend that speaks your mother tongue? As a Dutchy myself, I can tell you, it’s pretty awesome. Having someone taking the time and the interest to learn the Dutch language is highly appreciated. Many foreigners do not bother because they tell you that is not a necessity. You could survive without Dutch just in Amsterdam. But I promise you, that you will miss out on so many good things. Because the main language of the local events is in Dutch. When you speak Dutch it will get easier to invite you to our local birthday parties, baby showers, housewarmings.

It is just like Nelson Mandela said: If you talk to a man in a language he understands you talk to his brain. If you talk to him in its own language you will talk to his heart. This may sound cheesy but it is true.

By learning Dutch you will break the ex-pat/foreigner bubble and integrate more in society. Try to speak Dutch as much as you can. You know how the Dutchies speaking English as second nature. Don’t buy into that they love talking their mother tong. Always start off speaking Dutch first. Then make clear to your (future) Dutch friends that you want to speak Dutch. Is the topic getting too complicated? Don’t worry you can always switch back to English. Getting into that habit of starting off a conversation in Dutch is key to master the language. Break that bubble and become a Dutchie!

4. Making Dutch friends

Making Friends

Speaking the Dutch language makes it easier to have local Dutch friends. Your local Dutch friend will take you to undiscovered spots where you won’t find any foreigners. Be ready to get invited to Dutch parties and “Borrels”. Celebrate “prinsjesdag” and “Koningsdag” while singing along with Dutch songs. Go all out with your Dutch friends on New Years’ Eve while wishing everyone a happy new year in Dutch. Having local friends as a foreigner in the Netherlands will boost your social circle. And a place to celebrate the different Dutch holidays throughout the year.

5. Get into “gezelligheid”


Impress your Dutch friends while having a drink and eating some “Bitterballen”. With the Dutch you have learned from DutchPod101. Don’t miss out on Dutch jokes because now you get what they are talking about. But what does “gezelligheid” really mean? Imagine you’re sitting around a fire during a cold winter night with your friends. Everything is good, you’re sharing stories, laughing while sipping on hot cocoa. What would you call that feeling? That cozy feeling what you get is what we call “gezelligheid” and you will hear it all the time while being in the Netherlands.

6. How Dutchpod101 can help you?


For more than 10 years, DutchPod101 has been helping students learn to speak Dutch by creating the world’s most advanced online language learning system. Here are just a few of the specific features that will help you learn conversational Dutch fast using our proven system:

  • The Largest Collection of HD Video & Audio Lessons from Real Dutch Instructors: DutchPod101 instructors have created hundreds of video and audio lessons that you can play again and again. And the best part is: They don’t just teach you Dutch vocabulary and grammar, they are designed to help you learn to speak Dutch and teach you practical everyday topics like shopping, ordering, etc!
  • Pronunciation Tools: Use this feature to record and compare yourself with native speakers to quickly improve your pronunciation and fluency!
  • 2000 Common Dutch Words: Also known as our Core List, these 2,000 words are all you need to learn to speak fluently and carry a conversation with a native speaker!

In all, more than 20 advanced learning tools help you quickly build vocabulary and learn how to carry a conversation with native speakers—starting with your very first lesson.

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