Would you like to study or teach in the Netherlands? Then it might be handy to know the most common Dutch classroom phrases for students and teachers. Whether you’re about to join a study program as a foreign student in the Netherlands, start one of those Dutch language courses, or teach in a Dutch school, you will have to learn how to communicate in the classroom.
As a student, it will be handy to know how to address your teachers in Dutch, ask questions, and understand instructions. And as a teacher, you might want to know how to ask questions, give instructions, and, yes, how to discipline your students.
From Dutch classroom greetings to Dutch classroom command phrases, you will have to know or understand them. In this guide, you’ll find everything you need to know as a teacher or a student, from common classroom phrases to useful classroom vocabulary in Dutch.
Happy learning (or teaching)!

- School Vocabulary
- Teacher’s Phrases
- Student’s Phrases
- Tests Instructions
- How DutchPod101 Can Help You Learn More Dutch
1. School Vocabulary
Before we start with the phrases, let’s first see some classroom vocabulary in Dutch. From educational buildings to subjects to supplies, it will help you find your way around the schoolyard or the campus.
1- Educational Infrastructures
Gebouw | Building |
Schoolplein | Schoolyard |
Gang | Hallway |
Klaslokaal | Classroom |
Kantine | Canteen |
Secretariaat | Secretariat |
Lerarenkamer | Teachers’ roo |
Bibliotheek | Library |
Gymzaal | Gym |
Collegezaal | Lecture hall |
2- Subjects

Wiskunde | Math |
Biologie | Biology |
Scheikunde | Chemistry |
Informatica | Computing |
Natuurkunde | Physics |
Kunst | Art |
Tekenen | Drawing |
Nederlands | Dutch |
Frans | French |
Engels | English |
Duits | German |
Spaans | Spanish |
Filosofie | Philosophy |
Latijns | Latin |
Grieks | Greek |
Economie | Economy |
Maatschappijleer | Social studies |
Geschiedenis | History |
Aardrijkskunde | Geography |
Muziek | Music |
Lichamelijke opvoeding | Physical education (PE) |
- ➜ To practice your pronunciation, have a look at our free Dutch vocabulary list on School Subjects, with recorded words and example phrases, on DutchPod101.
2- School Supplies
Schrift | Notebook |
Map | Binder |
Vel papier | Sheet of paper |
Boek | Book |
Pen | Pen |
Potlood | Pencil |
Gum | Eraser |
Puntenslijper | Pencil sharpener |
Etui | Pen case |
Rugzak | Backpack |
Rekenmachine | Calculator |
Schaar | Scissors |
Liniaal | Ruler |
- ➜ For more Back to School Essentials, School and Classroom vocabulary, be sure to explore our free vocabulary lists with audio recordings.
2. Teacher’s Phrases

As a teacher, you need to be able to give instructions, ask questions and, every now and then, bring some discipline to the classroom. And as a student, it’s also very useful to learn these phrases, as it’s important that you understand your teacher.
Let’s see some of the most common Dutch classroom command phrases.
1- Instructions
Vandaag gaan we vervoegingen leren. (“Today we are going to learn conjugations.”) |
Open je boek op pagina 12. (“Open your book on page 12.”) |
Pak een vel papier. (“Take a sheet of paper.”) |
Steek je hand op als je het antwoord weet. (“Raise your hand if you have the answer.”) |
Luister en herhaal na mij. (“Listen and repeat after me.”) |
Kijk naar de afbeelding op het scherm. / Kijk naar de afbeelding op het bord. (“Look at the picture on the screen.” / “Look at the picture on the board.”) |
Schrijf deze zin op. (“Write this sentence.”) |
Spel dit woord. (“Spell this word.”) |
Maak een zin met het woord “vakantie”. (“Make a sentence with the word “holiday””.) |
Hoe zeg je “tomorrow” in het Nederlands? (“How do you say “tomorrow” in Dutch?”) |
We gaan kleine groepjes vormen. (“We will form small groups.”) |
2- Questions
Begrijp je deze zin? (“Do you understand this sentence?”) |
Wat betekent dat? (“What does that mean?”) |
Wie kan deze vraag beantwoorden? (“Who can answer this question?”) |
Wat is het juiste antwoord? (“What is the correct answer?”) |
Wie wil er hardop voorlezen? (“Who wants to read aloud?” |
3- Discipline
Ga zitten. (“Take a seat.”) |
Stilte alstublieft. (“Silence, please.”) |
Let op. (“Pay attention.”) |
Stop met praten. (“Stop talking.”) |
- ➜ Are you going to live on a Dutch campus? Find your way there with our free vocabulary list with Dutch Words and Phrases for Living on a School Campus, complete with examples and recordings.
3. Student’s Phrases
So, let’s now see some useful Dutch classroom phrases that students use: from addressing teachers, to asking questions, to stating your problem.
1- Addressing Teachers
In primary school, school teachers are addressed as :
- [Male] Meester (Literally: “Master”)
- [Female] Juf or juffrouw (Literally: “Miss”)
In High school and University, teachers are addressed as meneer (“Mister”) and mevrouw (“Madam” or “Mrs”), often combined with their last name.
So in Dutch classroom greetings, as a student, you could just say Hallo meneer van der Zand (“Hello Mister van der Zand”) or Goedemorgen mevrouw Jacobs (“Good morning Mrs. Jacobs”).
And when talking about the teachers in general, you would refer to them with leraar (“teacher,” male) or lerares (“teacher,” female).
Let’s see some examples on how you could talk about teachers:
- Onze leraar Frans heeft ons huiswerk gegeven. (“Our French teacher gave us homework.”)
- Mevrouw Jacobs geeft Duits. (“Mrs. Jacobs teaches German.”)
- Meneer, ik heb een vraag. (“Mister, I have a question.”)
As a teacher, whether it’s your colleagues or your students, you can simply call them by their names. And if you want to make one of those good Dutch classroom greetings, you could say Hallo allemaal (“Hello everyone”).
2- I have a question

Ik begrijp het niet. (“I don’t understand.”) |
Ik begrijp de spelling van dit woord niet. (“I don’t understand the spelling of this word.”) |
Ik heb moeite met het vervoegen van dit werkwoord. (“I have trouble conjugating this verb.”) |
Kunt u dat alstublieft herhalen? (“Could you repeat that please?”) |
Ik weet niet hoe ik dat moet zeggen. (“I don’t know how to say that.”) |
Hoe spreek je het uit? (“How do you pronounce it?”) |
Welke pagina? (“What page?”) |
3- I have a Problem
Ik heb mijn boek vergeten. (“I forgot my book.”) |
Ik heb geen pen. (“I don’t have a pen.”) |
Ik ben mijn schrift kwijt. (“I lost my notebook.”) |
Ik heb een probleem. (“I have a problem.”) |
Kan ik een gum lenen? (“Can I borrow an eraser?”) |
Ik heb wat meer tijd nodig. (“I need a little more time.”) |
Ik ben bijna klaar! (“I’m almost done!”) |
Mag ik naar de wc gaan? (“Can I go to the bathroom?”) |
Ik kan niet bij de volgende les zijn. (“I can’t be at the next class.”) |
Ik heb mijn huiswerk niet gemaakt. (“I didn’t do my homework.”) |
Ik heb mijn huiswerk vergeten. (“I forgot my homework.”) |
Mijn hond heeft mijn huiswerk opgegeten. (“My dog ate my homework.”) |
- ➜ Are you too cool for school? Check out our Top 15 Phrases for Bad Students.
4. Tests Instructions
Having an exam is already nerve wracking and the last thing you want is to not understand the instructions. So prepare yourself with these Dutch classroom phrases about test instructions. This way you will perfectly understand how the exam will take place and exactly what you have to do.
1- Basic Vocabulary
Examen (“Exam”) |
In the classroom vocabulary in Dutch, there exist different words to refer to a “test”: the word examen is mostly used at university, proefwerk at high school and toets at primary school. |
Mondeling examen (“Oral exam”) |
Diploma (“Degree”) |
Surveillant (“Test supervisor”) |
Formulier (“Form”) |
Opstel (“Essay”) |
Instructies (“Instructions”) |
2- Instructions

Lees de tekst. (“Read the text.”) |
Lees de zin. (“Read the sentence.”) |
Kruis het juiste antwoord aan. (“Check the right answer”) |
Vul de lege plekken in. (“Fill in the blanks.”) |
Maak deze zinnen af. (“Complete these sentences.”) |
Zet deze afbeeldingen in de juiste volgorde. (“Put these images in the right order.”) |
Onderstreep het goede antwoord. (“Underline the correct answer.”) |
Streep de foute antwoorden door. (“Cross out the wrong answers.”) |
Luister naar het voorbeeld. (“Listen to the example.”) |
Beschrijf de afbeelding. (“Describe this image.”) |
Schrijf rond de 200 woorden. (“Write about 200 words.”) |
Vat deze tekst samen in 100 woorden. (“Summarize this text in 100 words.”) |
- ➜ For more Taking Tests vocabulary, be sure to explore our free vocabulary list with audio recordings.
5. How DutchPod101 Can Help You Learn More Dutch
In this guide, you have learned the most common Dutch classroom phrases, for students and teachers alike. From classroom vocabulary in Dutch, Dutch classroom command phrases for teachers to Dutch classroom greetings, this guide should provide you with a solid foundation for your daily Dutch school life.
Which Dutch classroom phrases will you use the most? Is there any other specific topic you’d like to read more about? Make sure to share with your fellow students in the comments below!
You can start practicing and rehearsing these phrases right away by checking out the free vocabulary lists on DutchPod101. Each list contains a recorded pronunciation of the Dutch words and phrases it covers, making them perfect for getting your pronunciation just right! In addition, we provide a variety of free resources and Dutch online classes for learners at every level. With DutchPod101, you can really keep your Dutch language learning fun and diverse.
Would you like some special attention? Remember that we also offer a Premium PLUS service with personal 1-on-1 coaching: MyTeacher. Let your private teacher help you with Dutch vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and much more. You’ll receive personalized exercises, constructive feedback, and interactive assignments.