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New! MyFlashcards are Smart Flashcards

Hello Listener,

Seen that iPhone 4S? It’s pretty smart and all.
But is it making you smarter?

Our new MyFlashcards are smarter now – but their goal is to make you smarter in too! If you’re a Premium Member, you know all about our spaced repetition system for learning lots and lots of vocabulary. However, we’ve recently made some BIG changes to the MyFlashcard system.

Quick Overview: The Good Stuff
In short MyFlashcards eliminates the “Where do I start?” “When should I study?” and “How much should I study?” by assigning you the words and dates.

MyFlashcards 2.3 Update makes learning more efficient by:

  • assigning you the words due today
  • marking your progress, overall and by word
  • stopping you when you’ve done enough
  • recommending you study at a later assigned date to reinforce your memory
  • “Wait. You’re going to STOP me from studying?!”


    To remember better, you need to space out your study sessions in intervals. Studying once won’t imprint the word in your brain forever. Cramming for final the night before might work in college, but not for long term language acquisition. Study that particular deck in a week, then in 3 weeks and it won’t leave your brain!

    Updated! Try Out My Flashcards! Click Here!

    Here’s the detailed scoop!

    My Decks:
    Aside from starting a new deck, get quick overview of all your decks and their progress. Look for the “Due Today” notification to know just how many cards you have to study today! Yes – it gives you homework, it’s that smart!


    Create New Deck – Deck Manager
    This takes you to the brand new Deck Manager. This is the deck master tool letting you pull words from any lesson, core word list or from My WordBank into any deck of your choice. If you want to combine the words from multiple lessons, just hold shift and click to select several lessons.

    (sample screenshot from RussianPod101)

    Feeling brave? Set the maximum number of flashcards per session in case you’re an overachiever and wish to study more. Just below the study modes, there’s a Manage Items section that shows all the words in the deck – and their progress. Remember, you must master the 3 study modes – recognition, production, and listening before a word is mastered 100%.

    Also, feel free to merge decks or add new cards here.

    (sample screenshot from RussianPod101)

    (sample screenshot from RussianPod101)

    Press Study or Launch Deck
    The new dashboard breaks down just exactly how many words are in a deck, the ones you mastered, learned, started and the ones you haven’t started. The progress bar on top tracks your overall process for this deck.


    Start New Session
    The cards have been slightly redesigned so they’re easier to read. Go ahead and go through your deck. After one session, you’re not quite done yet! You must master all 3 modes, remember? After going through a few sessions, MyFlashcards will recommend you to study at a later date. Don’t worry – you’ll remember better if you spread your studying out instead of cramming in one shot.

    (sample screenshot from JapanesePod101)

    Take some time and go through your decks. My Flashcards will track your progress to figure you out and serve you better as you go on. All you have to do is follow along and master the vocabulary. Simple!

    Click Here To Try Out My Flashcards!