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Archive for the 'Dutch Culture' Category

A Guide to the Dutch National Anthem: Het Wilhelmus

Have you ever heard Het Wilhelmus, the Dutch national anthem? It's one of the oldest anthems in existence, and therefore the lyrics are not always easy to understand, full of old-fashioned words and unusual turns of phrases. It's an anthem of fifteen verses, but mainly the first (and sometimes also the sixth) verse is sung. However, because of the old nature of the Dutch anthem, not all Dutch know the words or understand the meaning. Why is the Spanish king mentioned in the Dutch national anthem? And what about that mention of German blood?  As you can see, the Dutch anthem is not free of controversy, and some people even say that it should be changed. However, although the Dutch don't sing their national anthem very often, when they... Show more

Useful Dutch Classroom Phrases and Vocabulary

Would you like to study or teach in the Netherlands? Then it might be handy to know the most common Dutch classroom phrases for students and teachers. Whether you're about to join a study program as a foreign student in the Netherlands, start one of those Dutch language courses, or teach in a Dutch school, you will have to learn how to communicate in the classroom.  As a student, it will be handy to know how to address your teachers in Dutch, ask questions, and understand instructions. And as a teacher, you might want to know how to ask questions, give instructions, and, yes, how to discipline your students.From Dutch classroom greetings to Dutch classroom command phrases, you will have to know or understand them. In this guide, you'll... Show more

Useful Guide with Dutch Restaurant Vocabulary and Phrases

Going to a restaurant is probably one of the favorite things people do when they are in a foreign country. It's a great way to go out, enjoy some new food and discover a new hip and trendy restaurant. However, when you don't speak the language fluently, the whole experience can be unnecessarily stressful.  How do things work around here? How can I order? And how much should I tip? Knowing the Dutch restaurant vocabulary and phrases is one thing, but learning about the ins and outs of Dutch dining will truly take you to the next level.  In this article, we'll go through the three steps of going to a restaurant in the Netherlands and, for each phase, we'll list the most common Dutch phrases for restaurants, as well as the restaurant... Show more

Dutch Animal Names: The Ultimate List for Language Learners

How many Dutch animal names do you know? Although it may not be the first thing you want to study when you start learning Dutch, knowing how to talk about animals is important in any language. After all, our furry friends play a central role in our lives!  There are many Dutch animal words for you to discover, ranging from the names of pets to the most common bugs and reptiles. Some of this new vocabulary may be difficult to memorize, but there are plenty of words that may be easier than you’re expecting. Take, for example: Rat (“Rat”) Kat (“Cat”)Schaap (“Sheep”)Beer (“Bear”)Vis (“Fish”) Are you ready to discover the Dutch animal world with DutchPod101?  In this article, you’ll learn the must-know Dutch animal names, animal... Show more

Dutch Love Phrases: How to Say “I Love You,” in Dutch

Do you have a Dutch girlfriend or boyfriend, or has an attractive Dutchie caught your eye? Then learning how to express your feelings in the Dutch language is the first step you should take toward creating a new relationship or strengthening the bond between you and your lover. Of course, there are the basics. For example... How do you say "I love you," in Dutch? That’s Ik hou van jou. And how about "my love"? That could be mijn lieverd or mijn liefje.  The Dutch may not be the most expressive people when it comes to love, but they do have their own ways of confessing their feelings and revealing their love to someone. With the right words, you’ll come a long way in your relationship—but try not to be too dramatic or clingy. The... Show more

Why You Should Learn – Dutch

Learning a foreign language comes with several added benefits, from new business opportunities to a healthier mind.  But why learn Dutch, specifically? After all, there are plenty of other languages to choose from—some of which are in higher demand and more widely spoken.  There are many reasons why you should learn Dutch, and DutchPod101 is here to break it all down for you and show you that Dutch isn’t such a hard language to learn. With a little help and guidance, you’ll be able to tackle this fun challenge and advance toward your goals!  In this article, we’ll go over the 10 main reasons why you should start learning Dutch. We’ve included reasons related to: leisure (travel, friendship, love, culture); business (quality... Show more

Dutch Proverbs & Sayings About Life, Love, and All the Rest

Proverbs are little phrases of wisdom, passed down from one generation to the next. While some proverbs seem to extend across borders, others are unique to a specific culture or way of living.  For this reason, learning Dutch proverbs and sayings is a great way to expand your vocabulary and gain cultural insight. These nuggets of practical advice and observations can really serve as a window into the age-old wisdom and traditions of the Dutch.  They may be old-fashioned, but the Dutch still use these old proverbs on a daily basis. They serve as a reflection of who they are and the values they stand for.  In this article, you’ll learn thirty of the most common Dutch proverbs about love, success, life, personality, weather, and... Show more

A Practical Amsterdam Travel Guide with Local Tips

Have you ever visited Amsterdam? It’s the most famous Dutch city, and for good reasons. Beautiful architecture, lovely shops, buzzing nightlife, green parks, and a variety of museums make the city of Amsterdam a place anyone can enjoy.  Your Amsterdam travels will also be a great opportunity to practice your Dutch. Because Amsterdam is such a touristic city, the inhabitants sometimes get a bit tired of the many tourists (especially in the summer). The best way to gain the respect of Amsterdammers (the people of Amsterdam) is through showing respect for the city and its culture—and learning a bit of Dutch is a great way to do this! Locals will definitely appreciate you trying to speak their native language. If in trouble, though, you can... Show more

English Words Used in Dutch: Do You Speak Dunglish?

Did you know that the Dutch language has close ties with English?  English words are used in Dutch in many different ways, including through Dunglish (a crazy mixture of both languages) and loanwords. It’s important to know the difference between these two types of English words in Dutch, as loanwords are more widely accepted than Dunglish.  The good news is that Dutch is full of English loanwords. Having these ‘freebies’ in your memory bank will make learning the language a bit easier. But the language exchange actually goes both ways, and you’ll also find basic Dutch words in English. Are you ready to discover the ties between the Dutch and English languages with DutchPod101.com? We’ll teach you everything you should know about... Show more

A Useful Guide to Dutch Culture and Customs

The first step in becoming comfortable in another country is to understand its culture. This will help you avoid the so-called ‘culture shock’ during your stay and make your interactions with natives more enjoyable. Learning about Dutch culture will not only make your experience in the Netherlands that much smoother, but it can also accelerate your language learning! Well, you’ve come to the right place to learn everything you need to know about Dutch culture and customs. The Netherlands may be a small country, but it has a lot of culture to discover. It's known for its progressive and explorative spirit, art, architecture, food, and even some special holiday traditions—all of which we’ll cover in this handy Dutch culture guide! ... Show more