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Archive for the 'Dutch Podcasts' Category

Guide to the Best Podcasts for Learning Dutch

Effortlessly learning Dutch: It may sound too good to be true, but it is possible.  How?  The solution is really quite simple: Engage in some passive listening.  Instead of cramming endless vocabulary words and grammar rules into your memory, you can just sit back and listen to something that interests you. As is the case with Dutch movies and series, you can use Dutch podcasts to efficiently practice your listening comprehension and improve your language skills. The key here is to listen to podcasts on a regular basis, as this will give you natural exposure to the language every day.  Podcasts are very popular these days as they give you the opportunity to listen to something while doing simple daily tasks (cleaning, cooking,... Show more

Can You Learn Dutch Fast? Here’s How Long it Will Take.

How long does it take to learn Dutch?  This is one of the most frequently asked questions from aspiring Dutch learners, but it has no definite answer. It depends on many things, such as your native language, educational background, experience with languages, exposure, and motivation. It also depends on what "learning Dutch" means to you: Are you hoping to achieve a beginner, intermediate, or advanced level? These are all different goals with different timeframes. But whatever level you wish to achieve, there are some great tools you can use to learn Dutch faster. In this article, you'll learn how to realistically estimate how long it will take to learn Dutch, depending on your background and the proficiency level you have in mind. Then,... Show more

How to Learn Dutch in Your Car?

Stuck in traffic? Losing time in your car? Have you ever felt that in all this wasted time, you could have watched the 750 episodes of One Piece, finished the last Super Mario ten times, or even better…you could have learned Dutch? Between family, friends and work, in addition to this time-consuming commute, it can become difficult to find time to properly learn Dutch. Fortunately, every problem has a solution, and what could be a better solution than turning that commute time into learning time? Stop passing the time mindlessly listening to the radio and try some of our best tips for mastering Dutch in your car! Click Here To Start Learning Dutch Right Now! You can learn Dutch in your car, hands free While driving, it’s... Show more