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Archive for the 'Speak Dutch' Category

A Guide to Dutch Grammar Rules

Are you thinking about learning Dutch and wondering what to study first? Or are you already studying Dutch but getting a bit lost in the Dutch grammar?  Then you’re in the right place! This comprehensive Dutch grammar overview from DutchPod101 is the perfect place to start your studies or refresh yourself on the basics.  This one page contains a breakdown of the concepts of Dutch grammar you really need to know, including the more difficult aspects. You’ll walk away from this lesson with a greater understanding of Dutch, from word types and tenses to tips on avoiding the most common Dutch grammar mistakes. It may be a challenge, but we know you can face it with the best tool in town! Table of Contents General... Show more

30 Inspirational Dutch Quotes With English Translations

Why do people love inspirational quotes so much? Life is full of them. You see them on social media, in commercials, printed on T-shirts, painted on walls, and even tattooed on people’s skin. There’s something very appealing about these quotes: they represent people’s attitudes, stories, mindsets, histories, and more. Deeper still, they represent cultures. So when you learn quotes from another language, it's like you’re looking through a window into another culture.  What kind of Dutch quotes would you like to learn? Whatever you want, we have it. In this article, we’ve listed thirty Dutch quotes with English translations that will teach you more about Dutch culture and traditions, as well as the typical (often down-to-earth) Dutch... Show more

32 Useful Dutch Business Phrases You Should Know

Can you imagine going to a meeting in the Netherlands’ business world without having any idea about Dutch business customs? Or going into a formal situation and not knowing how to use the formal "you"? (Yes, it’s U, but do you know how to conjugate it?)  The business world varies from country to country, and even within a single country, there’s a big difference between the formal and informal worlds. So although you can handle yourself in the Netherlands in casual settings, you might need to study business Dutch phrases and get some useful tips on Dutch business etiquette before starting work there. Spare yourself all of the awkward situations by getting prepared with these thirty-two useful Dutch business phrases. In this guide,... Show more

Learn Dutch Online: YouTube Channels to Improve Your Skills

Would you like to improve your Dutch while having fun? No, it’s not too good to be true.  Learning a language is more than just cramming endless vocabulary lists into your memory or picking your brain to understand those tricky Dutch grammar rules. To really learn Dutch, it’s crucial that you find ways to make learning more fun. If you enjoy learning, you’ll stay motivated. So what might be a fun Dutch learning method? As the title already gave away, you can have fun and learn Dutch online with YouTube.  Yes, YouTube is a great medium for improving your Dutch. There are several Dutch YouTube channels dedicated to teaching foreigners the language, and plenty more that you can watch just for fun and still pick up the language. And... Show more

Our Useful Guide on How to Say Goodbye in Dutch

How do you say goodbye in Dutch? This is a big question, because your parting words will leave a lasting impression, for better or worse.  If you’ve been following our blog, you’ve already studied How to Say Hello in Dutch and How to Introduce Yourself in Dutch. Now it’s time to master the art of a perfect Dutch goodbye. Every situation—from leaving the office or chatting with friends, to parting ways with your Dutch lover—calls for a different type of goodbye. This article will teach you what to say, and what not to say, in any situation!  Don’t be afraid; it doesn’t have to be that difficult. In fact, you can choose for yourself how difficult you want it to be. We’ve divided this article into sections that cover: The two most... Show more

Is Dutch Hard to Learn?

Are fear and uncertainty keeping you from getting started with Dutch?  This is a common issue for many potential Dutch-learners. They tend to wonder things like: "Is Dutch hard to learn?" and "Is learning Dutch really worth it?"   If this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’re going to answer all of your questions and clear up any doubts you may be having.  At first, Dutch might seem like a very difficult language, but it’s surprisingly easy for English- and German-speakers. Dutch has even been described as a combination of the English and German languages! This makes it one of the easiest languages to learn for speakers of either language. That said, learning Dutch will take some time and effort,... Show more

The 10 Most Common Dutch Mistakes When Learning the Language

Are you afraid to make mistakes in Dutch? In your studies, you’re bound to make a few. And that’s no big deal!  Making mistakes is human, and even Dutch natives make some of the mistakes we’ll cover in this article. It’s through expressing yourself and making mistakes that you’ll really master the language. So making mistakes in the first place is no problem, but always try to learn from them! That said, wouldn't it be nice to be aware of some of the most common mistakes in learning Dutch?  This is exactly what DutchPod101 has in mind for you with this guide. Have a look at the ten most common Dutch mistakes and impress your new Dutch friends with your great language skills. Table of Contents Dutch Pronunciation Mistakes... Show more

The 10 Most Common Questions in Dutch & How to Answer

Are you in the Netherlands, wanting to get to know some nice Dutch people, but you don’t know how? Making friends and getting to know people can be hard, especially when you’re in another country. Luckily, there’s an easy way to break the ice: asking questions in Dutch. This is a great way to start conversations—and keep them going.  Through asking questions, you’ll get to know your conversation partner, get personal, and maybe even become friends. And you’ll be able to practice your Dutch listening and speaking skills at the same time! In this guide, you’ll learn everything about asking questions in Dutch, from the Dutch question words to making yes/no questions. We’ll also introduce you to the ten most common Dutch questions and... Show more

Your Complete Guide to the NT2 Dutch Exam

Would you like to take an official Dutch language proficiency test? If that’s the case, wouldn’t you love to receive some handy tips and tricks to make sure you pass? If so, this guide will definitely come in handy. In the Netherlands, there are two official language proficiency tests: the NT2 Dutch as a Second Language State Exam (Staatsexamen NT2) and the Certificate Dutch as a Foreign Language (Certificaat Nederlands als Vreemde Taal, CNaVT). In this guide, we’ll only focus on the NT2 Dutch State Exam, as it’s the most common one they ask for when you’re looking for a job or applying for a university or school in the Netherlands.  We’ll go over everything you need to know about the NT2 Dutch language proficiency exam: what it is,... Show more

The Top 10 Easy Dutch Sentence Patterns

Learning a new language can be tricky; there’s so much to learn. Where should you start? And what should you focus on?  You may already be learning grammar rules, memorizing conjugation tables, and studying vocabulary lists. However, to really learn Dutch, it’s important that you speak it as early as you can. That’s the only way you’ll really improve your Dutch language skills.Are you still hesitant to speak Dutch? Then try to learn some useful and easy Dutch sentence patterns. This will allow you to form hundreds of natural sentences that you can use in many daily situations. You’ll be able to communicate your thoughts, doubts, or opinions to your Dutch friends or colleagues with ease and confidence. Sure, it won’t enable you to... Show more