
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

MIES: Hi everyone, Mies here, and welcome to Basic Boot Camp Lesson 1: Basic Greetings in Dutch. This is the first in a five-part series that will help you ease your way into Dutch.
JACOB: Hallo, ik ben Jacob. I`m Jacob! Now, the idea of a boot camp calls to mind sweating and toil. But our boot camp is different!
MIES: Yes, you don’t have to sweat, we promise.
JACOB: We’ll go over all the basics that will really help you to understand Dutch in a fast and easy way.
MIES: And we’ll have fun doing it!
JACOB: Yes, and we won’t blow any whistles at you or scream at you to do two hundred push ups…though that might work too. We’ll see how it goes.
Lesson Details
Mies: Okay, so in this lesson, you will learn how to introduce yourself and ask someone their name!
Jacob: Now, what could be more basic than this? I promise you, you will have this conversation no fewer than two hundred times in your first month in the Netherlands.
Mies: Hmm, or maybe more
Jacob: This conversation is between strangers.
Mies: The language they are using is polite, because they don’t know each other, but it is not to overly formal.
Jacob: Let’s listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Jacob: Hallo. Ik heet Jacob. Hoe heet jij?
Mies: Hallo Jacob. Ik heet Mies.
Jacob: Leuk je te ontmoeten!
Mies: Insgelijks.
Mies: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Jacob: Laten we nog eens luisteren. Langzaam nu.
Jacob: Hallo. Ik heet Jacob. Hoe heet jij?
Mies: Hallo Jacob. Ik heet Mies.
Jacob: Leuk je te ontmoeten!
Mies: Insgelijks.
Mies: And now with the translation.
Jacob: En nu met de vertaling!
Jacob: Hallo. Ik heet Jacob Hoe heet jij?
Mies: Hello. I'm Jacob What's your name?
Mies: Hallo Jacob. Ik heet Mies.
Mies: Hello Jacob. My name is Mies.
Jacob: Leuk je te ontmoeten!
Mies: Nice to meet you!
Mies: Insgelijks.
Mies: Same here.
Banter - Same as the cultural insight (12 lines)
MIES: So Jacob, what do people in the Netherlands do when they first meet? Like, is there any sort of custom?
JACOB: For the first time, it’s custom for both men and women to shake hands .
MIES: I would say that shaking hands is a must in the Netherlands
JACOB: Yeah, but once you become friendlier with the Dutch, we kiss each other on the cheeks.
MIES: How many times are we supposed to kiss?
JACOB We kiss each other three times: left , right , left.
MIES: How about in a business situation?
JACOB: No kissing, a handshake is your best bet.
MIES: Sounds easy to me! Okay, let’s take a closer look at these self-introductions.
JACOB: We’ll start with the vocabulary words for this lesson.
Vocabulary and Phrases
Mies: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. Okay, first we have:
Jacob: hallo [natural native speed]
Mies: hello (informal)
Jacob: hal-lo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: hallo [natural native speed]
Mies: Next:
Jacob: ik [natural native speed]
Mies: I
Jacob: ik [slowly]
Jacob: ik [natural native speed]
Mies: Next:
Jacob: hoe [natural native speed]
Mies: how
Jacob: hoe [slowly]
Jacob: hoe [natural native speed]
Mies: Next:
Jacob: heet ( heten) [natural native speed]
Mies: be called
Jacob: heet ( heten) [slowly]
Jacob: heet ( heten) [natural native speed]
Mies: Next:
Jacob: jij [natural native speed]
Mies: you
Jacob: jij [slowly]
Jacob: jij [natural native speed]
Mies: Next:
Jacob: leuk [natural native speed]
Mies: nice
Jacob: leuk [slowly]
Jacob: leuk [natural native speed]
Mies: Next:
Jacob: je [natural native speed]
Mies: you
Jacob: je [slowly]
Jacob: je [natural native speed]
Mies: Next:
Jacob: te [natural native speed]
Mies: to
Jacob: te [slowly]
Jacob: te [natural native speed]
Mies: Next:
Jacob: ontmoeten [natural native speed]
Mies: meet
Jacob: ont-moet-en [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: ontmoeten [natural native speed]
Mies: Next:
Jacob: insgelijks [natural native speed]
Mies: same here
Jacob: ins-ge-lijks [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: insgelijks [natural native speed]
M: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Our first word here is "hello".
J: Hallo
M: Wait a minute. That sounds very similar to English to me.
J: Yes, you’re right. ‘Hallo’ is only slightly different from the English hello. Just replace the “e” for an “a” sound.
M: Listeners, Listen and repeat this phrase.
J: Hallo (10 second pause). Hallo
M: Great. In the conversation, we also heard “Leuk je te ontmoeten”.
J: Yes, “Leuk je te ontmoeten” means literally “Nice you to meet”,
M:. Oh I see “Nice to meet you.” In English. Let’s break down this phrase a bit.
J: Leuk means "nice."
M.: And the second word...
J: je
M: Means “you”, and the last two.
J: te ontmoeten
M: means, “to meet”. Listeners, listen and repeat:
J: Leuk je te ontmoeten (10 seconds) Leuk je te ontmoeten
M: Now that you said that, naturally, I can’t help but want to respond, Insgelijks which means "Same here” Listeners, listen and repeat
J: Insgelijks (ten seconds) Insgelijks
M: Now that wasn't so difficult, was it? Hope everyone isn’t getting too overheated in the boot camp. Maybe it’s time for some push-ups.
J: I think I could use some; I’m getting a little out of shape. But for now let’s move on to the grammar section.

Lesson focus

J: The focus of this lesson is asking some one his or her name.
M: What if your companion is, for some reason, hesitant to introduce themselves?
J: Well, it’s okay to become a little aggressive in your desire to get to know them.
M: Yes, just go ahead and ask their name yourself!
J: “Hoe heet jij?” This is how your question should sound.
M: It sounds like “hate” in English but is has a very different meaning it means "How are you called?".
J: "Hoe"
M: Means "How,"Let’s hear it one time again slowly.
J: "Hoe"
M: And one time again fast. Listeners, repeat after Jacob
J: "Hoe"
M: Next
J: "heet"
M: Means "called." Listeners hear it slowly please.
J: "heet"
M: And fast again. Listeners, repeat after, Jacob
J: "heet"
M: Next,
J: Jij
M: Means you. We’ve heard this one before, but let’s hear it slowly one more time.
J: jij
M: And one more time fast.
J: jij
M: So all together the question is:
J: Hoe heet jij?
M: Listeners, listen to the phrase, and repeat it out loud.
J: Hoe heet jij ? {pause} Hoe heet jij ?
M: Not too hard for our first boot camp lesson, huh!
J: No, it isn’t. And if you just use this little bit of Dutch, you will already have gone a long way to impress anyone you might meet in the Netherlands.
M: That’s right. There’s no better way to signal your interest and respect for the culture than to try speak a little bit of the language, even if you only know the basics.
J: That’s right.
M: To recap, let’s try a short dialogue. Imagine your name is Sandra. Try to answer the question,” what’s your name” out loud with the phrase we learned in this lesson.
J: Ik heet Sandra{pause} Ik heet Sandra
M: Great! Now what if someone says to you “Leuk je te ontmoeten”. What do you say?
J: {pause} Insgelijks
M: Great! Now what do you say if you want to learn some one's name?
J: {pause} Hoe heet jij ?
M: Here! The first step has been taken!
J: Well done!


M: That it for this lesson. Like our podcasts?
J: Than like our Facebook page too!
M: Get lesson updates, our Dutch Word of The Day and news on Facebook.
J: Just search for DutchPod101.com and like our fan page.
M: And if you like a lesson or series on DutchPod101.com..
J: Let us know..
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J: Thanks for listening. Dag! (“Bye” in Dutch)
M: See you!

