We make it easy for you to sound like a native!
Absolute Beginner



In this set of 5 lessons, you will learn the very basics about Dutch pronunciation. We break down all the sounds to make it easy for you to sound like a native!

PRONUNCIATION Title Topic Function Summary
#1 Are You Practicing for an Opera or Learning Your Dutch Vowels? Dutch Vowels Learning about Dutch vowels 6 Dutch vowel sounds
#2 Double Your Fun with Dutch Vowels Dutch Vowels Learning about Dutch dipthongs 9 Dutch dipthongs sounds
#3 The Pronunciation of Consonants in Dutch Dutch Consonants Learning about Dutch consonants 21 Dutch consonants
#4 Dutch Accents Dutch Accents Learning about accents and emphasis in Dutch Acute and grave accents used for emphasis
#5 Pronouncing the Dutch Alphabet Dutch Alphabet Learning to pronounce the Dutch Alphabet Dutch alphabet has 26 letters, 20 or (21) consonants and 5 or (6)