Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi guys, welcome to this next class. I am Stella. I am a native speaker of the Dutch language and today, we are going to focus on 10 Questions You Should Be Able to Ask and Answer in Dutch. We have a lot of ground to cover. So let’s get started.
The first one.
1. Hoe heet u? "What's your name?"
An answer to this could be,
Ik heet Jacob. "My name is Jacob."
So this is just your basic introduction but an important thing to remember is that the Dutch word u is very formal. So if you want to ask a co-worker or classmate or someone who has the same age as you what the name is, you should probably say je instead of u. So it would be - Hoe heet je?
Next question.
2. Hoe gaat het? "How are you?"
And an answer might be,
Met mij gaat het goed. "I am doing well."
Now, this is a pretty long sentence that you don’t necessarily need to you know, say in full. If someone asks Hoe gaat het, you can just shorten it and say goed.
3. Waar kom je vandaan? "Where are you from?"
Sample answer.
Ik kom uit Amsterdam. "I am from Amsterdam."
Now, if you are just asking this question flat out, then people might consider that to be a little direct. So a more gentle way of asking this is just assuming that someone is from somewhere and then letting them correct you.
So you could ask - Kom je uit Amsterdam? which means, “Are you from Amsterdam?” And then someone else could say, “No, actually, I am from Haarlem.”
4. Hoe oud ben je? “How old are you?”
Possible answer.
Ik ben twintig jaar. “I am 20 years old.”
So if you’re answering this question, you may actually leave out jaar. You can just say, Ik ben twintig and leave it at that. That’s more common.
5. Waar werk je? "Where do you work?"
Ik werk in Rotterdam. "I work in Rotterdam."
Though this sample answer is city, you are more likely to get an answer with something like, “I work in marketing” or “I work at Coolblue” or whatever.
So when you are asking someone where they work, usually it’s assumed that you are talking about the job and not the actual location.
Here is an opportunity to learn some numbers.
6. Wat is je telefoonnummer? "What's your phone number?"
Mijn telefoonnummer is nul een twee drie vier vijf zes zes zeven acht. "My phone number is zero one two three four five six six seven eight.”
So now, you also have an idea of all the numbers from zero to eight.
Nul een twee drie vier vijf zes zeven acht negen tien.
7. Hou je van Nederlands eten? "Do you like Dutch food?"
A likely answer to this is,
Nee, ik hou niet van Nederlands eten. "No, I don't like Dutch food."
So some typical Dutch dishes are hutspot which is mashed potatoes with mashed carrots. And beschuit met muisjes, which is like a crispy biscuit with small, pink or blue and white little bows on it and they are made of sugar and aniseed and that’s traditionally eaten at the birth of a child. Well, to celebrate the birth of a child.
8. Heb je broers of zussen? "Do you have any brothers or sisters?"
And an answer to this maybe,
Ja, ik heb een broer. "Yes, I have one brother."
So there is no real Dutch equivalent to the word siblings. So you always have to ask if they have brothers or sisters. It can be a little bit of a pain but there’s just no alternative. So sorry.
9. Ben je wel eens in Nederland geweest? "Have you ever been to the Netherlands?"
A likely answer.
Nee, ik ben er nog niet geweest. "No, I haven't been there yet."
10. Waar heb je Nederlands geleerd? "Where did you learn Dutch?" It is so grim.
Sample answer would be,
Ik heb het op school geleerd. "I have learned it at school."
I don’t actually know if there’s any country except for the Netherlands where they teach Dutch. We’re not very popular in that sense.
Okay guys, that’s all for today. Thanks for watching and great job. You now know how to ask and answer 10 Important Questions in Dutch.

