Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone, I'm Thomas, hallo daar, ik ben Thomas.
Welcome to the Dutch Whiteboard Lessons.
In this lesson, you'll learn to say where you're from in Dutch.
Let's get started.
Let's look at the dialogue.
When I read, I want you to pay attention to the structure.
See how it's used in the dialogue to express your origin.
Waar kom je vandaan?
Where are you from?
Ik kom uit Assen.
I'm from Assen.
Now let's look at the sentence pattern.
This pattern will be the structure that all our examples will follow.
Ik kom uit place.
In English, I'm from place.
Okay, let's look at the vocabulary.
This time it's a short list because the expression is always the same.
Ik, I.
Next up, kom, come, kom, kom, kom.
Uit, from, uit, uit, uit.
And finally, vandaan, which also means from, vandaan, vandaan, vandaan.
Now let's look at some speaking examples.
Ik kom uit Rotterdam.
I'm from Rotterdam.
Ik kom uit Rotterdam.
Next up we have, ik kom uit Limburg.
I'm from Limburg.
Ik kom uit Limburg.
Ik kom uit Nederland.
I'm from the Netherlands.
Ik kom uit Nederland.
You will notice from the vocabulary that there are two Dutch words for from.
One of them is uit and the other one is vandaan.
What's the difference?
Well, in this case, vandaan is only used in combination with the word waar or where, meaning where from.
In this case, where are you from?
Waar kom je vandaan?
Since vandaan is used in combination with waar, it follows then that it's also used in combination with there, daar, and hier, hier.
Waar vandaan?
Daar vandaan.
Hier vandaan.
Hier vandaan.

