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Lesson Transcript

Kellie: Hi everyone, and welcome back to DutchPod101.com. This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 18 - Making a Speech in Dutch. Kellie Here.
Jacob: Hallo I'm Jacob.
Kellie: In this lesson, you’ll learn about important points in an official presentation. The lecture takes place at a small university lecture hall.
Jacob: It's given by Lukas.
Kellie: The lecture is given to younger people, so he will use informal Dutch. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Lukas: Dames en Heren, beste vrienden, allemaal van harte welkom in Nederland en speciaal hier vanavond in Amsterdam, jullie nieuwe woonplaats.
Lukas: Ik heet Lukas en ben voorzitter van de studentenvereniging hier en daarom is mij gevraagd iets te vertellen over het studentenleven hier.
Lukas: Ik wil jullie graag wat vertellen over het leven van studenten in Amsterdam, werk, studie, cultuur, vriendschappen, etc. Kortom over enkele aspecten van het studentenleven.
Lukas: Zorg goed voor jezelf, regelmatig warm koken, eet met vrienden, dat is altijd leuker. En ga af en toe uit met vrienden.
Lukas: Als je studieproblemen hebt, ga je naar een studiecoördinator. Iedere faculteit heeft een studiecoördinator. Het is zijn of haar werk om studenten bij te staan, met studieproblemen of studiefinancieringsproblemen.
Lukas: Verder: sociale contacten zijn belangrijk. Niemand kan zonder. Dus probeer contacten te leggen.
Lukas: Neem bij medische of psychische problemen meteen contact op met een universiteitsarts. De plaats waar zij werken, vind je in je gids.
Lukas: Als laatste wens ik iedereen een goede studie en veel plezier. Als iemand vragen heeft, aarzel dan niet om contact op te nemen.
Kellie: Listen to the conversation with the English translation
Lukas: Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, I wish you all a warm welcome in Holland and especially here tonight in Amsterdam, your new hometown.
Lukas: My name is Lukas and I am the chairman of our student fraternity and they asked me to tell you something about student life here.
Lukas: I'd like to tell you about university life in Amsterdam, work, studies, culture, friendships, and so on. In short; about some of the aspects of student life.
Lukas: Take good care of yourself, make sure you cook hot meals on a regular basis, eat with friends, that's always nicer. And go out with friends, from time to time.
Lukas: If you're having problems with your studies, please go and see a student counselor. Every faculty has one. They are there to help you with study problems or student grants.
Lukas: Also, social contacts are important. Nobody can live without them. Try to meet a lot of other people.
Lukas: If you are experiencing medical or mental problems, please contact a university doctor. You can look up the place where they work in your guide.
Lukas: Last of all I would like to wish you all some successful studying and a lot of fun. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.
Kellie: Lukas gave a nice speech for the new students at the university.
Jacob: Yes, it was very welcoming and reassuring.
Kellie: It can be daunting and scary to start university, so a welcome speech like that would go a long way to soothe people’s fears.
Jacob: I think so too.
Kellie: Lukas was quick to point out the counseling services available for the students.
Jacob: In the Netherlands, all universities have a group of people to take care of students.
Kellie: Oh? What kind of people?
Jacob: There are medical people, such as doctors and psychiatrists, and also people to help with course options.
Kellie: Oh, like career guidance counselors?
Jacob: Yes. Also there are people on hand to help with financial issues, such as grants and loans.
Kellie: I’m sure a lot of people go through university without needing these services, but it’s good to have them on hand.
Jacob: Yes, you never know when you might need help.
Kellie: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Kellie: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Jacob: woonplaats [natural native speed]
Kellie: place of residence
Jacob: woonplaats[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: woonplaats [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Jacob: voorzitter [natural native speed]
Kellie: chairman
Jacob: voorzitter[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: voorzitter [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Jacob: studentenleven [natural native speed]
Kellie: student life
Jacob: studentenleven[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: studentenleven [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Jacob: aspect [natural native speed]
Kellie: aspect
Jacob: aspect[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: aspect [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Jacob: regelmatig [natural native speed]
Kellie: regularly
Jacob: regelmatig[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: regelmatig [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Jacob: geestelijk [natural native speed]
Kellie: mental
Jacob: geestelijk[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: geestelijk [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Jacob: universiteitsarts [natural native speed]
Kellie: university doctor
Jacob: universiteitsarts[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: universiteitsarts [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Jacob: gids [natural native speed]
Kellie: guide
Jacob: gids[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: gids [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Jacob: plezier [natural native speed]
Kellie: fun
Jacob: plezier[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: plezier [natural native speed]
Kellie: And last..
Jacob: aarzelen [natural native speed]
Kellie: to hesitate
Jacob: aarzelen[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Jacob: aarzelen [natural native speed]
Kellie: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is..
Jacob: bepaalde aspecten van
Kellie: meaning "certain aspects of"
Kellie: What can you tell us about this?
Jacob: Bepaalde means "certain", while een bepaald means "a certain."
Kellie: And what do the other words mean?
Jacob: Aspect means the same as the English “aspect”, so those two words together mean “certain aspects”.
Kellie: The whole phrase means “certain aspects of”.
Jacob: Yes, you usually use this phrase to talk about something in particular, the aspects “of” something.
Kellie: Can you give us an example using this word?
Jacob: Sure. For example, you can say.. Bepaalde aspecten van zijn politieke ideeën zijn gevaarlijk.
Kellie: ..which means "Certain aspects of his political ideas are dangerous." Okay, what's the next word?
Jacob: studiecoördinator
Kellie: meaning "student counselor"
Kellie: What can you tell us about this?
Jacob: Studie is a Dutch noun for “study” or “studies”.
Kellie: What is the verb “to study”?
Jacob: Studeren is the verb, so you can see how it comes from the noun.
Kellie: In this case, though, we’re using the noun to make the phrase “student counselor”.
Jacob: That’s right. It’s used for many different things.
Kellie: Can you give us an example using this word?
Jacob: Sure. For example, you can say.. De studiecoördinator wist niet hoe hij dit probleem moest oplossen.
Kellie: .. which means "The student counselor didn't know how to solve this problem.” Okay, what's the next word?
Jacob: aarzelen
Kellie: meaning "to hesitate"
Kellie: What can you tell us about this?
Jacob: The verb aarzelen is usually translated as “to hesitate.”
Kellie: Usually?
Jacob: It can have a slightly different meaning depending on the context.
Kellie: How is it used as “hesitate?’
Jacob: You might see it in a sentence such as Als u meer informatie wilt, aarzelt u dan niet om contact op te nemen
Kellie: meaning "If you need more information, do not hesitate to call me." Can you give us an example using this word?
Jacob: For example, you can say.. Aarzel niet om langs te komen.
Kellie: .. which means "Do not hesitate to drop by." Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Kellie: In this lesson, you'll learn about important points in an official presentation.
Kellie: Now there’s a scary word - “presentations”.
Jacob: Yes, presentations are scary in your own language, let alone a second language.
Kellie: Can you give us some hints for giving a presentation in Dutch?
Jacob: Sure. Let’s look at some commonly used phrases for the presentations.
Kellie: What is a good opening sentence?
Jacob: Dames en heren, goedenavond en welkom op deze bijeenkomst.
Kellie: “Ladies and gentlemen, good evening and welcome to this meeting.”
Jacob: We can also say Het is mij een eer aan u voor te stellen...
Kellie: “It is my honor to introduce to you…” What do we say if we raise a point, but will talk in detail about it later?
Jacob: Maar hier kom ik later op terug
Kellie: “But I’ll get back to this later on.”
Jacob: Another good phrase is Dank voor uw aandacht.
Kellie: “Thank you for your attention.” Also, let’s look at giving advice.
Jacob: You can use these phrases in a presentation setting too.
Kellie: Right, if you’re listening to a presentation or are in a meeting and you want to mention something that is possibly in contradiction to a point, you can use these.
Jacob: Yes, they’re nice, gentle ways to give advice and raise another point of view.
Kellie: What shall we start with?
Jacob: Nee, dat moet zijn...
Kellie: “No, that should be…”
Jacob: Hee dat is interessant, ik heb altijd gedacht dat...
Kellie: “Hey, that’s interesting, I always thought it was…”
Jacob: Als er een ding is dat ik heb geleerd, dan is het wel...
Kellie: “If there is one thing I have learned, then it is…”
Jacob: If you can use these phrases, your presentation will do well!
Kellie: Yes, you’ll sound professional!


Kellie: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Jacob: Tot ziens!

