Lesson Transcript

Hey everyone, welcome to the Monthly Review!
The monthly show on language learning.
Where you discover new learning strategies, motivational tips, study tools, and resources.
By the way, all the lessons and bonuses you’re about to see can be downloaded for free on our website.
So, click the link in the description right now to sign up for your free lifetime account.
Okay, today’s topic is:
How to Learn a Language in 2022
If you’re planning to learn a language in 2022… then this episode is for you. Especially if you want to finally succeed with your New Year’s Resolution, instead of failing, or giving up in the next week or two. That’s why today, you’ll discover:
One: The 4 Critical Steps You Need to Take When Learning a New Language
And Two: How to Set Goals &New Year’s Resolutions… That Won’t Fail You in 2022.
But first, if you’re looking for some free language resources and downloads… here are this month’s new lessons and resources. Be sure to download these now before we take them down in a few days.
First — The “Going to the Mountains” Conversation Cheat Sheet
Learn all the must-know words and phrases for hiking and camping...with this new cheat sheet.
Second — The Most Common Adjectives PDF eBook
Master over 90 common adjectives with this bonus PDF picture ebook. You can download and review it on any device.
Third — What’s your new year’s resolution?
With this bonus phrase list, you’ll learn to say the common goals like... “read more,” “Save money,” and “learn a language.”
Fourth — The Winter Words &Phrases Writing Workbook
You’ll learn over 60 words and phrases for the winter and holiday season... and practice writing them... with this printable, PDF writing workbook. Download it for free right now.
Fifth - Must-Know Email Words &Phrases
Learn how to say “email,” “reply” “spam,” and much more... with this quick 1-minute lesson.
To get your free resources, click the link in the description below right now. They’re yours to keep forever. Ok, let’s jump into today’s topic:
How to Learn a Language in 2022
Part 1: The 4 Critical Steps You Need to Take When Learning a New Language
Every time you start a new language, you should start with One: Goals. Two: Anchor Points. Three: Grammar. Four: Reading.
What are these 4 steps? And why do you need them to succeed with language learning?
Let’s jump in.
The first one is… goals. Everything starts with a goal. But, your goal itself can also lead you to failure… if you don’t set it the right way. So more specifically, you need to set small, measurable, monthly goals…. Instead of just “I want to learn language and be fluent this year,”
We’ll cover goals in the 2nd part of this episode, so stay tuned.
After goals, the 2nd step is setting anchor points. What are anchor points? Imagine a small ship in the middle of a big lake. It’s windy. Lots of waves. And the ship is bobbing up and down, drifting all around. What would you use to stop the ship from drifting away? An anchor. And just like an anchor keeps the ship in place, anchor points keep you from drifting away from your language.
So, an anchor point is a connection to the language... that keeps you attached to the language and motivated to learn the language.
One great example is language school. Imagine you signed up and paid thousands of dollars upfront. Paying that much would motivate you to make the most of your time there. It’s also a big commitment - one that you can’t easily back out of. And, school dictates your schedule. You have to wake up early. You have to do your homework. Your life revolves around the classes. And as such, language school - and the language itself - become anchor points that your life revolves around.
Anchor Points can also be family or a partner that speaks the language you’re learning. You’re around them, you’re exposed to the language, so your motivation to learn gets a bit stronger. Buying a language learning program or textbook are also examples of good anchor points. You invested your hard-earned money which means you’re serious about learning… Plus, you want to make sure your investment doesn’t go to waste, so you’re more motivated.
If you’re wondering if you have any anchor points… you already have at least 1.
You’re watching our lessons on YouTube. But the more anchor points you have, the stronger your motivation will be.
So, if you’re into music or TV shows in your target language, those can serve as anchor points too. These are things that connect you to the language and add a bit of motivation to learn more.. Or at the very least, understand what you’re watching or listening to.
We covered goals and anchor points. What's next? The third step is: you must have a good grasp of grammar… of your native language.
Now, you might wonder… if you’re learning a new language, why focus on your native language? Well, as native speakers, the problem is, we know what good grammar sounds like but... we can’t explain how or why our language works the way it works.
So, if you don’t have a good grasp of grammar - the backbone or the rules of a language… then you’ll have a tough time learning a new language. You’ll jump in and start learning words and phrases...
...but you’ll never learn how to put them together and make sentences. That’s a common problem beginners have.
Now, if you already know the grammar of your native language.... How do you apply that to your target language?
For example, if you are an English speaker and if you know that English sentences follow the Subject, Verb, Object pattern, and if you know that languages have specific sentence patterns... then you’d go look at patterns. Then, you have a good idea of how to create your own sentences, instead of learning random words first.
Finally, the fourth step is reading. Reading is good simply because you can do it anywhere, anytime, and without a teacher. It’s a skill you can get started on, on day 1, on your own.
Reading also tends to spill over into other areas. The more you read, the more words and grammar rules you come across… so you boost your vocabulary and grammar… which can seep into speaking and listening. If you read out loud, you’re practicing 2 skills at once.
Now, we’ve covered what you need: Goals. Anchor Points. Reading. And Grammar.
Setting anchor points, knowing your own grammar, and reading are simple enough.
But, how do you set goals… that don’t lead you to failure?
Part 2: How to Set Goals &New Year’s Resolutions… That Won’t Fail You in 2022.
The goal that you set can make or break your language learning journey. So, setting the right goals makes all the difference between success and failure.
Just think about all of the common New Year’s resolutions. What comes to mind? Goals like...
“I want to be fluent someday”...
“I want to speak the language”
“I want to lose weight.”
“I want to save more money”
These big, vague goals often lead to failure because you simply have no idea how to approach the goal… and you don’t know what you’re aiming for.
Instead, your goals should be small, measurable and monthly. For example: Speak 1 minute of conversation by the end of the month.
Learn 100 words by the end of the month.
Finish chapter 1 of your language textbook by the end of the month.
If you’re using our program, finish 20 Audio lessons by the end of the month.
All of these are small and specific. 1 minute. 100 words. 1 chapter. 20 audio lessons.
This means that they are easy to reach, unlike something vague like... fluency. They’re also measurable. You know when you reach 1 minute, you can check if you know all 100 words or if you’ve finished all 20 lessons. If you aim for fluency, you won’t know when you hit it. It’s too vague and big of a goal. And it may take years to hit.
Finally, all of these goals have a deadline: the end of the month. That would mean January 31st of this year. Deadlines give you a clear date to aim for… and without one, you’ll forever be floating around without much progress. So, set a deadline for the end of every month.
So, now that you know how to set small, measurable, monthly goals, leave us a comment. What’s your small, measurable, monthly goal? And what’s the deadline?
So, thank you for watching this episode of Monthly Review
Next time, we’ll talk about…
How to learn a language in pairs
If you enjoyed these tips, hit the “like” button, share the video with anyone who's trying to learn a language, and subscribe to our channel. We release new videos every week!
And, if you’re ready to finally learn language the fast, fun and easy way and start speaking from your very first lesson, get our complete learning program. Sign up for your free lifetime account right now. Click the link in the description.
See you next time! Bye!


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2022-01-08 18:30:00

Welcome to the monthly show on language learning, where you discover new learning strategies, motivational tips, new study tools, resources...and where we show off learners like you speaking the language. This is what you get this month:

- The "Going to the Mountains" Cheat Sheet
- The "The Most Common Adjectives" PDF eBook
- Top 10 New Years resolutions
- The Winter Words & Phrases Writing WorkbookDutch
- Must-Know Email Words & Phrases Dutch

Go to Dutch January 2022 Review to access your free resources of the month.


To submit a recording, click here

2022-02-01 17:30:45

Hi kadie,

Thank you for taking the time to leave us a comment. 😄

That's an amazing goal! 👍

Looking forward to seeing you often here.



Team DutchPod101.com

2022-01-28 17:28:13

my goal is to learn 100 vocabularies by the end of the month
