
Vocabulary (Review)

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Peter: Goedendag allemaal , mijn naam is Peter!
Judith: Judith here! Upper Beginner Season 1 , Lesson 11 - Why Does Amsterdam Have Its Own Flag?
Judith: Hello, and welcome back to the DutchPOD101.com , the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Dutch! I'm joined in the studio by...
Peter: Hello everyone. Peter here.
Judith: In this lesson you'll will learn how to describe objects.
Peter: This conversation takes place at a café.
Judith: Paul and Marleen have decided to have a coffee together.
Peter: The speakers are neighbours, therefore they will be speaking informal Dutch.
Judith: Okay, let’s listen to the conversation.
Judith: Don't forget you can leave us a comment on this lesson.
Peter: So if you have a question,
Judith: or some feedback,
Peter: please leave us comment!
Judith: It's very easy to do. Just stop by DutchPod101.com,
Peter: click on comments, enter your comment and name, and that's it.
Judith: We're looking forward to hearing from you! Okay...
Paul: Gisteren was ik in de stad. Ik ging winkelen met een vriendin. We liepen over de Dam. Er waren veel vlaggen daar. De Nederlandse vlag was daar maar ook een andere vlag.
Marleen: Hoe zag die vlag eruit?
Paul: Hij was rood met een zwarte balk en drie witte kruizen.
Marleen: Dat is de vlag van Amsterdam. Amsterdam heeft ook een wapen. Dat zijn twee leeuwen met een kroon en een wapenschild met diezelfde vlag erop.
Paul: Hoeveel vlaggen hebben jullie?
Marleen: We hebben de Nederlandse vlag, de vlag van Amsterdam en de vlag van Noord Holland.
Paul: Ik wist niet dat Noord-Holland een eigen vlag had.
Marleen: Dat dacht ik al. Elke provincie heeft zijn eigen vlag.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Paul: Gisteren was ik in de stad. Ik ging winkelen met een vriendin. We liepen over de Dam. Er waren veel vlaggen daar. De Nederlandse vlag was daar maar ook een andere vlag.
Marleen: Hoe zag die vlag eruit?
Paul: Hij was rood met een zwarte balk en drie witte kruizen.
Marleen: Dat is de vlag van Amsterdam. Amsterdam heeft ook een wapen. Dat zijn twee leeuwen met een kroon en een wapenschild met diezelfde vlag erop.
Paul: Hoeveel vlaggen hebben jullie?
Marleen: We hebben de Nederlandse vlag, de vlag van Amsterdam en de vlag van Noord Holland.
Paul: Ik wist niet dat Noord-Holland een eigen vlag had.
Marleen: Dat dacht ik al. Elke provincie heeft zijn eigen vlag.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Paul: Gisteren was ik in de stad. Ik ging winkelen met een vriendin. We liepen over de Dam. Er waren veel vlaggen daar. De Nederlandse vlag was daar maar ook een andere vlag.
Judith: I was in town yesterday. I went shopping with a friend. We walked over the Dam. There were many flags there. The Dutch flag was there but also another flag.
Marleen: Hoe zag die vlag eruit?
Judith: What did the other flag look like?
Paul: Hij was rood met een zwarte balk en drie witte kruizen.
Judith: It was red with a black beam and three white crosses.
Marleen: Dat is de vlag van Amsterdam. Amsterdam heeft ook een wapen. Dat zijn twee leeuwen met een kroon en een wapenschild met diezelfde vlag erop.
Judith: That is the flag of Amsterdam. Amsterdam also has a coat of arms. It is two lions with a crown and a shield with the same flag on it.
Paul: Hoeveel vlaggen hebben jullie?
Judith: How many flags do you have?
Marleen: We hebben de Nederlandse vlag, de vlag van Amsterdam en de vlag van Noord Holland.
Judith: We have the Dutch flag, the flag of Amsterdam, and the flag of North Holland.
Paul: Ik wist niet dat Noord-Holland een eigen vlag had.
Judith: I didn't know that North-Holland had its own flag.
Marleen: Dat dacht ik al. Elke provincie heeft zijn eigen vlag.
Judith: That's what I thought. Each province has its own flag.
Judith: So since it’s all talking about flags, what can we say about the Dutch flag?
Peter: The “Nederlandse Vlag” (Dutch flag) is the symbol of unity and independence of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Kingdom of the Netherlands is more than the Netherlands on it’s own. For example there is also the caribbean islands; Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao, part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. So there are people in the Caribbean having a Dutch citizenship and passport ...and speaking Dutch just like you are about to do.The Dutch flag we know it as “red, white and blue”. We can be a little bit more precise because Luxembourg has the same flag but only a little more bright blue. The Dutch flag has the colours bright vermilion (a kind of red), pure white, and cobalt blue. In general, the length in relation to the width is 3 to 2. Clear rules on that are not existent.
Judith: There are rules about hoisting the flag though. If you want to hoist the Dutch flag in your backyard , you have to hoist it slowly and majestically. Also Dutch or foreign flags are not to be hoisted after sunset or before sunrise, or to remain hoisted overnight. Exceptions are possible, for example if the flag is illuminated and the colors are clearly visible.
Peter: Sometimes more than one flag is hoisted. Sometimes there is even an orange banner on the national celebration day. When more than one flag ishoisted there is good chance there is a provincial or municipal flag alongside the national Dutch flag. In that case, all flags should be of equal dimensions and, if possible, at equal height. But remember the Dutch national flag should always be majestically, always have the place of honor. That is either to the right of a single flag or between two flags.
Vocabulary and Phrases
Judith: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Peter: gaan [natural native speed]
Judith: to go
Peter: gaan [slowly]
Peter: gaan [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: winkelen [natural native speed]
Judith: shopping
Peter: win-ke-len [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: winkelen [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: vriendin [natural native speed]
Judith: female friend, girlfriend
Peter: vrien-din [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: vriendin [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: lopen [natural native speed]
Judith: to walk
Peter: lo-pen [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: lopen [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: andere [natural native speed]
Judith: other
Peter: an-de-re [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: andere [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: balk [natural native speed]
Judith: beam
Peter: balk [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: balk [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: kruis [natural native speed]
Judith: cross
Peter: kruis [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: kruis [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: wapen [natural native speed]
Judith: weapon
Peter: wa-pen [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: wapen [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: wapenschild [natural native speed]
Judith: coat of arms
Peter: wa-pen-schild [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: wapenschild [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: leeuw [natural native speed]
Judith: lion
Peter: leeuw [slowly]
Peter: leeuw [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: kroon [natural native speed]
Judith: crown
Peter: kroon [slowly]
Peter: kroon [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: noord [natural native speed]
Judith: north
Peter: noord [slowly]
Peter: noord [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: eigen [natural native speed]
Judith: own
Peter: ei-gen [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: eigen [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: provincie [natural native speed]
Judith: province
Peter: pro-vin-cie [slowly]
Peter: provincie [natural native speed]
Judith: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Peter: The first word we’ll look at is....
1: The word “wapen” can mean weapon, but in this text it means a coat of arms. The word “wapenschild” means the same. “wapen” = coat of arms, “schild” = shield.
Judith: 2: “De Dam” (The Dam) is the central square in Amsterdam in front of the Queen’s Palace and opposite of the National Monument.
Peter: But the former queen Beatrix didn’t live in this Queen’s Palace. She was living in Den Haag (The Hague). 3: The expression “naar de stad gaan” (to go to the city) means to go to the city center where most shops are for some shopping or browsing.
Grammar Point
Grammar: The focus of this lesson is irregular verbs.
Judith: Apart from the "strong" verbs, which are irregular but follow predictable patterns, there are also verbs that are just irregular and unpredictable.
Peter: For example
1: zijn (to be) – was (was)
2: doen (to do) – deed (singular, did) and deden (plural)
3: komen (to come) – kwam (singular, came) and kwamen (plural)
4: weten (to know) – wist (singular, knew) or wisten (plural)
Judith: These are the most useful irregular verbs. There are some more but the good rule is that the most uncommon verbs are also the most regular ones. So if you encounter a word after 3 years of learning Dutch than it’s very unlikely that it would be irregular.


Judith: That just about does it for today. Like our podcast?
Peter: Then like our Facebook page too!
Judith: Get lesson updates, our Dutch Word of the Day and news on Facebook.
Peter: Just search for DutchPod101.com and ‘like’ our fanpage.
Judith: And if you like a lesson or series on DutchPod101.com..
Peter: Let us know..
Judith: by clicking the Like-button next to the lesson or series.
Judith: Okay, see you next week!
Peter: Tot volgende week, doei!

