
Vocabulary (Review)

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Peter: Goedendag allemaal, mijn naam is Peter.
Judith: Judith here! Upper Beginner Season 1 , Lesson 17 - What is Your Dutch Daily Routine?
Peter: Hello everyone! I'm Peter, and welcome to DutchPOD101.com.
Judith: With us, you'll learn to speak Dutch with fun and effective lessons.
Peter: We also provide you with cultural insights...
Judith: ...and tips you won't find in a textbook.
Judith: In this lesson you'll will learn how to talk about your daily routine in Dutch.
Peter: This conversation takes place at a Dutch café.
Judith: The conversation is between Paul and Marleen.
Peter: The speakers are neighbours, therefore they will be speaking informal Dutch.
Judith: Now, before we listen to the conversation...
Peter: We want to ask...
Judith: Do you read the lesson notes, while you listen?
Peter: We received an email about this study tip.
Judith: So we were wondering if you've tried it, and if so,
Peter: what do you think of it.
Judith: You can leave us feedback in the comment section of this lesson. Okay...
Marleen: Ik verveel me een beetje. Bijna elke dag is hetzelfde. Het is soms een sleur waar je in komt. Maar je kan breken met de sleur.
Paul: Dat geldt niet alleen voor jou. Ik sta op, ik was me, ik scheer me. Dan kleed ik me aan en ga naar mijn kantoor.
Marleen: Haha, ik kleed me ook aan. Iedereen kleed zich aan anders zijn we allemaal naakt.
Paul: Jullie gedragen je dan net zoals vroeger sommige Amazone indianen deden. Zij schaamden zich niet zonder kleren.
Marleen: Ik ben blij dat ik maar part-time werk zodat ik niet vijf dagen per week hetzelfde doe.
Paul: Haha, je moest je schamen. Jullie Nederlanders werken toch al niet zoveel.
Marleen: Je vergist je. We werken wel maar we vinden het ook belangrijk dat we een goed leven hebben.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Marleen: Ik verveel me een beetje. Bijna elke dag is hetzelfde. Het is soms een sleur waar je in komt. Maar je kan breken met de sleur.
Paul: Dat geldt niet alleen voor jou. Ik sta op, ik was me, ik scheer me. Dan kleed ik me aan en ga naar mijn kantoor.
Marleen: Haha, ik kleed me ook aan. Iedereen kleed zich aan anders zijn we allemaal naakt.
Paul: Jullie gedragen je dan net zoals vroeger sommige Amazone indianen deden. Zij schaamden zich niet zonder kleren.
Marleen: Ik ben blij dat ik maar part-time werk zodat ik niet vijf dagen per week hetzelfde doe.
Paul: Haha, je moest je schamen. Jullie Nederlanders werken toch al niet zoveel.
Marleen: Je vergist je. We werken wel maar we vinden het ook belangrijk dat we een goed leven hebben.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Marleen: Ik verveel me een beetje. Bijna elke dag is hetzelfde. Het is soms een sleur waar je in komt. Maar je kan breken met de sleur.
Judith: I’m a bit bored. Almost every day is the same. Maybe it’s a routine that you get into. But you can break the routine.
Paul: Dat geldt niet alleen voor jou. Ik sta op, ik was me, ik scheer me. Dan kleed ik me aan en ga naar mijn kantoor.
Judith: That's true-not just you. I get up, wash up, and shave. Then I get dressed and go to my office.
Marleen: Haha, ik kleed me ook aan. Iedereen kleed zich aan anders zijn we allemaal naakt.
Judith: Haha, I also get dressed. Everyone gets dressed or else we’d all be naked.
Paul: Jullie gedragen je dan net zoals vroeger sommige Amazone indianen deden. Zij schaamden zich niet zonder kleren.
Judith: Then you guys behave just like, earlier, some Amazon natives did. You aren’t ashamed to be without clothes.
Marleen: Ik ben blij dat ik maar part-time werk zodat ik niet vijf dagen per week hetzelfde doe.
Judith: I’m glad that I only work part-time so that I don’t do the same thing five times a week.
Paul: Haha, je moest je schamen. Jullie Nederlanders werken toch al niet zoveel.
Judith: Haha, you should be ashamed. You Dutch people already don’t work very much.
Marleen: Je vergist je. We werken wel maar we vinden het ook belangrijk dat we een goed leven hebben.
Judith: You’re mistaken. We do work but we also think it’s important to have a good life.
Judith: Okay so what’s true about this, do the Dutch work less than Americans?
Peter: That’s hard to say; The Dutch work hard, the Americans work hard but what we can say is compared to other European countries in the European Union, the Dutch work the fewest hours of these nations. They work an average of 30.6 hours per week while the rest of Europe has an average of 37.5 hours. The Dutch do that because than they have enough free time to enjoy their life, their hobbies, their sports and of course their family.
Judith: Dutch women often work even less, they work part-time and they are often ranked as the happiest women in the world.
Peter: But this wasn’t always the case. In the 1970’s the Dutch still worked as much as other Europeans. But since then they realised that having free time and a social life is also very important , especially when you have kids. So now a lot of Dutch people work part time or they spread their hours over 4 days a week instead of 5. In order to have more time with family and friends.
Vocabulary and Phrases
Judith: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Peter: zich vervelen [natural native speed]
Judith: to be bored
Peter: zich ver-ve-len [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: zich vervelen [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: sleur [natural native speed]
Judith: routine
Peter: sleur [slowly]
Peter: sleur [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: zich wassen [natural native speed]
Judith: to wash up
Peter: zich was-sen [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: zich wassen [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: zich aankleden [natural native speed]
Judith: to get dressed
Peter: zich aan-kle-den [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: zich aankleden [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: zich scheren [natural native speed]
Judith: to shave
Peter: zich sche-ren [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: zich scheren [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: naakt [natural native speed]
Judith: naked
Peter: naakt [slowly]
Peter: naakt [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: zich gedragen [natural native speed]
Judith: to behave
Peter: zich ge-dra-gen [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: zich gedragen [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: sommige [natural native speed]
Judith: some
Peter: som-mige [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: sommige [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: indianen [natural native speed]
Judith: Native Americans, Indians
Peter: in-di-a-nen [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: indianen [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: zich schamen [natural native speed]
Judith: to be embarrassed or ashamed
Peter: zich scha-men [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: zich schamen [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: zonder [natural native speed]
Judith: without
Peter: zon-der [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: zonder [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: kleren [natural native speed]
Judith: clothes
Peter: kle-ren [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: kleren [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: zich vergissen [natural native speed]
Judith: to be mistaken
Peter: zich ver-gis-sen [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: zich vergissen [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: belangrijk [natural native speed]
Judith: important
Peter: be-lang-rijk [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: belangrijk [natural native speed]
Judith: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Peter: The first word we’ll look at is....
1: “Sleur” (routine) is another word for “eentonig” (monotonous). “Breken met de sleur” means to break one’s daily routine.
Grammar Point
Grammar: The focus of this lesson are the reflexive pronouns.
Judith: Reflexive pronouns are pronouns like "myself", "yourself", "himself", "herself", "ourselves" and so on. They are used for actions that we do to ourselves.
Peter: For example, when we say "she washes herself", there’s a big difference between saying that and "she washes her" (ie, someone else). So we can see that reflexive pronouns are important.
Judith: Reflexive verbs are what we call those verbs that come with a reflexive pronoun. For example, "to wash" can be reflexive but isn’t always.
Peter: In Dutch, there are more reflexive verbs than in English. A lot of words for daily routines are reflexive, for example, "to shave" and "to get dressed“, so the Dutch literally say "to shave oneself" and "to dress oneself".
Judith: There are also some words that refer to feelings that are reflexive. The Dutch say the equivalent of "to bore oneself" (= to be bored) and "to shame oneself" (= to be ashamed).
Peter: Yes, they say, “Ik verveel me” of “ik schaam me”.
Judith: In the vocabulary lists you will see these verbs with the word "zich". "Zich" is the reflexive pronoun meaning "himself", "herself", "itself", or "oneself". The rest of the pronouns are the same as the object pronouns. Let's look at the full list anyway, using the example verb "zich wassen" (to wash oneself).
Peter: It goes like this;
ik was me = I wash myself
jij wast je = you wash yourself
u wast zich = you wash yourself (formally)
hij/zij/het wast zich = he/she/it washes himself/herself/itself
wij wassen ons = we wash ourselves
jullie wassen je = you wash yourselves
zij wassen zich = they wash themselves
Judith: These are all the forms. As we said the only difference is the use of ‘zich’ for the 3rd-person.


Judith: That just about does it for today.
Judith: Not enough time.
Peter: You're very busy.
Judith: We know. And that's why we have one click lesson downloads on iTunes!
Peter: Subscribe on iTunes.
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Judith: Save time. Spend more time studying.
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Judith: Go to iTunes, search with the phrase DutchPod101.com and click Subscribe.
Judith: Alright, see you next time!
Peter: Tot de volgende keer! Doei!

