
Vocabulary (Review)

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Peter: Goedendag mijn naam is Peter.
Judith: Judith here! Upper Beginner Season 1 , Lesson 23 - Discussing Dutch Travel Plans
Peter: Hi, my name is Peter, and I am joined here by Judith.
Judith: Hello, everyone and welcome back to DutchPOD101.com
Peter: What are we learning today?
Judith: In this lesson you'll will learn how to talk about outings.
Peter: This conversation takes place on the phone.
Judith: The conversation is between Paul and Marleen.
Peter: The speakers are neighbours, therefore they will be speaking informal Dutch.
Judith: Let’s listen to the conversation!
Marleen: Ben je nog televisie aan het kijken?
Paul: Ik zit naar een documentaire over bloemen te kijken. Het gaat over de Keukenhof.
Marleen: De Keukenhof is erg mooi. In de lente lopen er veel toeristen te wandelen tussen de bloemen.
Paul: Ik moet er ook eens heen. Maar jij zegt het nooit.
Marleen: Zit toch niet zo te zeuren, het is toch niet mijn schuld? We zijn naar Madurodam gefietst. Dat was een heel leuke dag.
Paul: Ja, ik sta maar een beetje vervelend te doen.
Marleen: Zolang je dat maar weet. Maar we kunnen wel een dagje naar de Keukenhof, ik vind het ook mooi daar.
Paul: Op de eerste mooie dag gaan we naar de Keukenhof.
Marleen: Dat gaan we doen.
English Host: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Marleen: Ben je nog televisie aan het kijken?
Paul: Ik zit naar een documentaire over bloemen te kijken. Het gaat over de Keukenhof.
Marleen: De Keukenhof is erg mooi. In de lente lopen er veel toeristen te wandelen tussen de bloemen.
Paul: Ik moet er ook eens heen. Maar jij zegt het nooit.
Marleen: Zit toch niet zo te zeuren, het is toch niet mijn schuld? We zijn naar Madurodam gefietst. Dat was een heel leuke dag.
Paul: Ja, ik sta maar een beetje vervelend te doen.
Marleen: Zolang je dat maar weet. Maar we kunnen wel een dagje naar de Keukenhof, ik vind het ook mooi daar.
Paul: Op de eerste mooie dag gaan we naar de Keukenhof.
Marleen: Dat gaan we doen.
English Host: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Marleen: Ben je nog televisie aan het kijken?
Judith: Are you still watching TV?
Paul: Ik zit naar een documentaire over bloemen te kijken. Het gaat over de Keukenhof.
Judith: I'm watching a documentary about flowers. It's about the Keukenhof.
Marleen: De Keukenhof is erg mooi. In de lente lopen er veel toeristen te wandelen tussen de bloemen.
Judith: The Keukenhof is really pretty. In the spring there are lots of tourists walking around among the flowers.
Paul: Ik moet er ook eens heen. Maar jij zegt het nooit.
Judith: I must go there sometime. But you never say so.
Marleen: Zit toch niet zo te zeuren, het is toch niet mijn schuld? We zijn naar Madurodam gefietst. Dat was een heel leuke dag.
Judith: Don't whine, that's not my fault. We biked to Madurodam. That was a very fun day.
Paul: Ja, ik sta maar een beetje vervelend te doen.
Judith: Yes, I'm just playing with you.
Marleen: Zolang je dat maar weet. Maar we kunnen wel een dagje naar de Keukenhof, ik vind het ook mooi daar.
Judith: Just as long as you know that. But we can definitely go to the Keukenhof someday. I also think it's beautiful there.
Paul: Op de eerste mooie dag gaan we naar de Keukenhof.
Judith: On the first nice day we'll go to the Keukenhof.
Marleen: Dat gaan we doen.
Judith: That we will.
Judith: Okay time to talk about another Dutch custom, the flower parade.
Peter: Oh yeah, the flower parade. The Netherlands, country of tulips, country of flowers, country of the flower parade. “Bloemencorso” we call it.
Judith: The first official flower parade, the way it is now, was in 1948 when Princess Juliana became queen. The economy after WWII was improving, and the flower parade was a good opportunity to show the world that the Netherlands was ready to start exporting flowers again.
Peter: It was a huge festival of course but also it was a way to commercialize the new flower production. Very clever marketing since there has never been an event that was photographed and filmed more than the “Bloemencorso”.
Judith: For sixty years, from 1948 till 2007, the first Saturday in September there was always a flower parade that would start in Aalsmeer, would go through Amstelveen, and would end in Amsterdam.
Peter: Flower parades are usually themed and millions and milions of flowers are used. Flower producers in Aalsmeer would provide the flowers.
Judith: The last flower parade was held in 2007 because it was getting too expensive and it was considered a bit old-fashioned. In 2011, though, the flower parade was started again, but on a much smaller scale.
Peter: The flowers will be there forever.
Vocabulary and Phrases
Judith: Time to look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
: The first word we shall see is:
Peter: vervelend [natural native speed]
Judith: annoying, boring
Peter: ver-ve-lend [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: vervelend [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: documentaire [natural native speed]
Judith: documentary
Peter: do-cu-men-taire [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: documentaire [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: lente [natural native speed]
Judith: spring
Peter: len-te [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: lente [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: tussen [natural native speed]
Judith: among, between
Peter: tus-sen [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: tussen [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: nooit [natural native speed]
Judith: never
Peter: nooit [slowly]
Peter: nooit [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: zeuren [natural native speed]
Judith: to whine, nag
Peter: zeu-ren [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: zeuren [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: schuld [natural native speed]
Judith: fault
Peter: schuld [slowly]
Peter: schuld [natural native speed]
: Next:
Peter: zolang [natural native speed]
Judith: as long as
Peter: zo-lang [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Peter: zolang [natural native speed]
Judith: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Peter: The first attraction we’ll look at is....
1: “Madurodam” ; This is a tourist attraction in the Hague, which presents the whole of Netherlands in miniatures.
2: “Keukenhof” (lit. kitchen garden) is the world’s largest flower garden, situated in the Dune and Bulb region. is the world’s largest flower garden, situated in a special area in the Dune and Bulb region It is a major attraction for locals and tourists who like it a lot. Especially in the right season.
Judith: Which is the right season?
Peter: The right season for the flowers is the spring. And of course in summer they also are there. And it fields of flowers is just gorgeous.
Judith: You make me want to go!
Peter: Well let’s go!
Judith: We have to do grammar first.
Peter: Netherlands here we come! Flowers, stroopwafels, cheese - we’ll be there!
Judith: haha
Grammar Point
Grammar: The focus of this lesson is more ways of showing duration.
Judith: If you don't want to use "zijn aan het" so often, there's another construction that you could use. It involves one of several verbs combined with "te" and the infinitive.
Peter: The verbs are “liggen” (to lie), “zitten” (to sit), “staan” (to stand), “lopen” (to walk), and “hangen” (to hang). Add "te" and an infinitive and you get forms like
ik zit te praten
jij staat te praten
hij/zij loopt te praten / het hangt te drogen (it is drying)
wij liggen te praten
jullie staan te praten
zij zitten te praten
Judith: These verbs can mean that the person is actually sitting, standing etc. when the action happens. But "zitten" and "liggen" can also be used to express irritation and the person doesn’t have to be actually sitting or laying down. Peter, give us some examples of that please.
Peter: Some examples, some irritations, some constructions;
1: Hij zit weer over het weer te klagen. (He is complaining about the weather again.)
2: Lig niet zo te zeuren. (Stop nagging.)
Judith: literally “ don’t lie like that to nagg. “ It’s a funny expression!
Peter: It’s a very funny expression and once you know a few of these words ( liggen, zitten, staan, lopen en hangen) you can say a lot things in a funny way.


Judith: That just about does it for today.
Peter: There's nothing like a little competition...
Judith: even against yourself!
Peter: Test what you've learned in this lesson with our fun review quizzes!
Judith: Master vocabulary, grammar, and vocabulary with short, challenging quizzes.
Peter: Find these quizzes on the lessons page at DutchPod101.com
Judith: Okay, see you next week!
Peter: (Dutch Goodbye)
Sample Sentences
Geef haar er niet de schuld van. : "Don't blame it on her."

